The wrist joint connects the forearm and the hand. The growing end of the forearm is at the wrist joint. The growing end is loosely attached to the bone. Therefore fractures commonly occur through this area.
Correct treatment is needed as the growth of the forearm could be affected with this injury.

How Would I Know The Wrist Is Broken?
Pain, swelling and reduced range of motion are the commonest symptoms

What Can I Do Before Rushing To The Hospital
Application of ice, splinting of the wrist and resting the arm in a triangular bandage could be done as first aids.

What Is The Treatment For This Injury ?
Treatment for wrist injury is simple. Simple cracks need plaster support for three weeks. Fractures with displacement will require manipulation under a general anaesthetic to correct the displacement. And then it is secured with a plaster of Paris half cast.
There is a yet another type of fracture which will not remain in corrected position. This will need a pin/plate fixation.

How Long Would The Treatment Last?
The wrist will be immobilised for three weeks. Then the plaster of Paris cast is removed and the wrist will be supported in a wrist brace.

Are There Complications Of This Injury?
Usually no serious complications. Wrist stiffness will go off.

When Can My Child Play ?
Normal activities can be begun once you feel comfortable. This will be about 3-4 weeks after injury.

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